Ramlay Bin Ahamad - Managing Director
Ramlay Ahamad is Managing Director of RSB Freight Services Sdn Bhd.
started his career with Dartair Express (M) Sdn Bhd where he held
position Operation Manager. He has a wide experience in handling
freight forwarding and logistics business since year 1985. He is a
leadership role and responsible to the overall management of the
Email: ramlay@rsbfreight.com.my
Tuan Hj Md Ayub Bin Ahmad - Director
Hj Md Ayub was appointed Director of RSB Freight Services Sdn Bhd on
March 2008.
Hj Md Ayub holds certificate from Institute Cooperative and Management
Accountant. He was a Finance Director, Ministry of Agriculture (LPP)
from 1996 to his retirement in 2005. Prior to his appointment with RSB
Freight, Hj Md Ayub responsible to view the company business
Email: ramlay@rsbfreight.com.my
Abdul Rahman Bin Ahamad - Operation
Abdul Rahman is a Operation Director of RSB Freight Services Sdn Bhd
since 1995.
Rahman holds BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Widener University. His
experience include several years in a multi national company and held
positions as Head of Department, Engineering. Prior to his appointment
with RSB Freight, Abdul Rahman responsible to
operational role in the running of the business.
Email: rahman@rsbfreight.com.my